Cómo Stephanie Frazier Hace Que los Cumpleaños en el Hospital Sean Especiales

Cómo Stephanie Frazier Hace Que los Cumpleaños en el Hospital Sean Especiales

Estamos muy emocionados de presentarles a Stephanie Frazier, fundadora de The Confetti Foundation. La misión de The Confetti Foundation is to supply birthday parties to children who have to spend their birthday at the hospital, pediatric oncology clinic or hospice facility. The foundation was started with the hope that families will be able to shift their focus from their child’s sickness for just 30 minutes and celebrate. Although the party is not a cure, it will be a welcome distraction and a good reminder that every child deserves to be celebrated. Through the partnership of children’s hospitals, pediatric oncology clinics and pediatric hospice facilities in the United States, The Confetti Foundationes brindar una fiesta de cumpleaños temática, recuerdos positivos y normalidad durante un momento difícil. 

Stephanie, what were the circumstances that led you to make the decision to pursue The Confetti Foundation?

My godson was born 8 weeks premature and during his NICU stay I had learned about a little boy who was celebrating his first birthday. He had spent his entire life in the hospital. Being an event planner, I wanted to know how they were celebrating this important milestone! I was told with a cake and a gift. But what about the decorations? The family and hospital did not have the means to make that purchase. What if this was my godson? How many other children did not have a decorated room on their birthday? I began calling children hospitals around the country asking how they celebrated birthdays, they all responded with….a cake and a gift. I set out to change that, to assure all birthday parties were celebrated with proper decorations to resemble a real party! 

Have you faced any obstacles in pursuing the mission of The Confetti Foundation? Si es así, ¿cómo los superó?

Being the first of it’s kind (a non profit that supplies birthday parties to hospitalized children) we do not fit into a category for grants. So in the beginning I was naive and thought non-profits apply for grants and they are given. Not true! I had to seek other funding to support this worthy mission. I built a community that believes birthdays should be celebrated, especially when you are sick. Happiness aids the healing process. 

What organizational structure have you needed to put into place to be able to make The Confetti Foundation ? ¿Qué recursos, financieros y de otro tipo, ha necesitado obtener para asegurarse de que sea algo sostenible?

Al iniciar una organización sin fines de lucro, debes construir una gran junta directiva. Personas que desafiarán tus decisiones y apoyarán la misión al 100%. Una sólida formación empresarial también ayudó a obtener financiación. También tienes que ser identificable, si no crees en tu misión, nadie más lo hará tampoco. 

Even amidst the COVID pandemic, you managed to pass 10,000 birthday celebrations in September 2020. And you have a goal to supply 3000 birthdays annually. What challenges do you face in reaching your goals and how can people help in their communities?

El desafío durante la pandemia es que nuestras donaciones se han triplicado, pero nuestros fondos y voluntarios han sido mínimos. Siendo una organización 100% voluntaria, dependemos mucho de otros para empaquetar las cajas y ayudar a hacer tarjetas de cumpleaños y carteles de cumpleaños. El 13 de marzo, cerré la oficina a cualquier voluntario externo y continué hasta el día de hoy empaquetando todas las cajas yo misma para garantizar la seguridad y la calidad de nuestras cajas de cumpleaños. La forma de ayudar más es donar artículos para fiestas, patrocinar una fiesta de cumpleaños o hacer carteles de cumpleaños. ¡No puedo esperar para permitir que los visitantes vuelvan a entrar! 

¿La promoción y el impulso del cambio siempre fueron una parte clave de lo que eres?

Yes! I have always been a “doer”. Any way that I can help and make a situation better, I will. 

Many people may want to advocate but do not know where to start. Or they may think that one person cannot cause real change. Do you have any suggestions for people who may want to be advocates but do not know where to begin?  

What are your talents? Do you know how to draw….make cards for the elderly. Do you love baseball….coach a little league team.  Love animals….volunteer at your local shelter. Love social media….share a non profits post to your followers. There are SO many ways to give back. Volunteering should not be a an obligation. It should be something you enjoy doing! 

Puedes seguir a The Confetti Foundation en Facebook y Instagram. Las oportunidades de voluntariado se pueden encontrar aquí. Donations can be made aquí.
