I hear this over and over: “I just want my kid to be happy!” or “Don’t you just want your kids to be happy?” And yet… I would not say that my goal is to make my kids happy. To be clear, it is not to make them unhappy either.

I hear this over and over: “I just want my kid to be happy!” or “Don’t you just want your kids to be happy?” And yet… I would not say that my goal is to make my kids happy. To be clear, it is not to make them unhappy either.
This post was originally posted by Dr. Becky Kennedy on her Instagram account, and we thought many of our readers would benefit from learning about this. How many times, as a parent, have you thought that your child was “fake crying”? Well, keep reading, because we may be very wrong about how we are interpreting what our child is doing during those episodes.