How to Use Role Play in Everyday Life

How to Use Role Play in Everyday Life

One of the things I want my kids to remember about their childhood is how much I loved playing with them. One thing I do with Lennox daily is role play. If you could watch me at home, you would rarely find me speaking in my own tone. 

This picture is us taking a Paw Patrol walk. We put all his doggies in the backpack and go on a mission. The mission might be about finding squares. I get to be ALL the paw patrollers and ask Lennox to please help us find the hiding squares in windows, the pavement, etc! Lennox will find one, then one of the paw patrollers will go. It is not only a great way to get him thinking but also to get him to exercise.

The role playing is a great way to educate. Mr. Sun is a frequent visitor. Mr. Sun may talk about what we learned in the solar system book, talking about how he is a star and how the Earth and the other planets all rotate around the sun. Or Mr. Sun may remind Lennox a fact we learned from a show we saw together, such as the Story Bots episode that taught about how planets are formed. Mr. Sun often asks Lennox questions, inspiring him to use his knowledge to come to conclusions on his own. 

Mr. Sun also tends to follow us around in the car. Thankfully Mr. Sun is bilingual, so my husband can role play along with Lennox as well. Mr. Sun is always up to talk to Lennox when he is bored. They share excitement about the beauty of the day.  Or Lennox may ask Mr. Sun why he leaves at night and where he goes? Mr. Sun has spoken about many countries and explained that the Earth is round and he never really goes anywhere.  The Earth just rotates around its axis, Mr. Sun explains. He is very knowledgeable about those things and Lennox has an unending appetite to understand.

Do you play roles with your kids? I have become pretty good at making voices! Who knew that would be a motherhood skill?
