Why I Stopped Teaching Sign Language

Teaching sign language to kids with Down syndrome is common. So I know this opinion may ruffle some feathers. But I believe there that may be a negative side to teaching sign language. Particularly to the extent that it is often used to replace verbal language for younger children with Down syndrome.

Understanding the Basics of Thyroid Function

A few months back, I read the BEST simple explanation about thyroid function and why checking only TSH and T4 is not enough. Most importantly, why TSH and T4 alone may not be the right way to choose treatment if medication is needed.

Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics

Can you imagine a doctor showing up to surgery without knowing how to operate, but still going to the operating room to give it a good effort? That doctor simply operating and hoping for the best? As crazy as this sounds, this sort of medical care is what MANY mothers of children with Down syndrome face daily when taking their children to the pediatrician.

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Breastfeeding Is Not The Best Thing Ever

Do you know how much heartache and tears I could have saved if ANYONE would have told me this? Breastfeeding is not the best thing ever.

The Best Core Exercise For Your Baby’s Development

The video below shows my absolute favorite core exercise that we used with Mara. It is called brachiation preparation. (Brachiation is, basically, using monkey bars.) We started brachiation preparation when Mara was about 5-months-old. Why is brachiation important? Brachiation is important because it helps the child to create a bigger, better chest. As a result, the baby breathes more deeply, regularly and maturely.

Everything you Need to Know About Down Syndrome Priority for COVID Vaccine in Your State

The Center for Disease Control lists Down syndrome as a condition that increases risk of severe illness. However, the decision on vaccine priority is up to the individual states who are distributing the vaccines. A state by state breakdown follows.

How To Teach Your Baby To Read – Review

When Lennox was about one and a half, I bumped into a lady that complimented him for how verbal he was. I told her that I spoke to him all the time and he seemed to really be passionate about language. She then told me about a book called “How to Teach Your Baby to Read”. I asked her about the author and put all the info as a note in my phone.

The book is FASCINATING. I highly encouraged you to read the book, but here are a few points summarizing what the program is all about.
