Why I Stopped Teaching Sign Language

Teaching sign language to kids with Down syndrome is common. So I know this opinion may ruffle some feathers. But I believe there that may be a negative side to teaching sign language. Particularly to the extent that it is often used to replace verbal language for younger children with Down syndrome.

Understanding the Basics of Thyroid Function

A few months back, I read the BEST simple explanation about thyroid function and why checking only TSH and T4 is not enough. Most importantly, why TSH and T4 alone may not be the right way to choose treatment if medication is needed.

Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics

Can you imagine a doctor showing up to surgery without knowing how to operate, but still going to the operating room to give it a good effort? That doctor simply operating and hoping for the best? As crazy as this sounds, this sort of medical care is what MANY mothers of children with Down syndrome face daily when taking their children to the pediatrician.

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Eliana Tardío – Everyone Has Abilities That Need to Be Maximized

Eliana Tardío – Everyone Has Abilities That Need to Be Maximized

Eliana Tardío, is the mother of Emir & Ayelén, both with Down syndrome. Eliana is a successful professional in Marketing and Public Relations, who writes in different publications sharing her experience as the Latin mother of two children with special needs, giving her readers what she calls “The Best Advice for Any Human Being: Hope in Love .” She currently serves as the Director of the Parent Education Network, a program funded by the United States Department of Education, which offers training and support to families of children with disabilities.

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World Down Syndrome Day: Stories of Hope

The date for World Down Syndrome Day is March 21, the 21st day of the 3rd month. It was selected to signify the 3 copies of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome (Trisomy-21). Each year, it is a time to celebrate those with Down syndrome and to bring awareness worldwide that all people are all much more similar than any one of our differences. There are a lot of wonderful stories shared each year, and this year was no different. Here are some of our favorites from World Down Syndrome Day 2021.

12 Simple Ways to Elicit Language Development

Use these 12 strategies to elicit language development, whether you are a therapist, teacher, or parent. There are many fun, simple activities to incorporate in your day to engage and encourage communication skills. These strategies are not only helpful for children struggling with language development but how you should be interacting and engaging with all children!

How To Free Your Baby From Container Syndrome

Did you know there’s a billion dollar industry trying to make you think that you NEED certain toys to put your baby in? So you can be more productive. Work more. Do more. Be back to your “pre-baby” lifestyle. But did you also know that placing your baby inside of toys and not on the floor can actually limit development and delay typical milestones?

When Doctors Need to be Educated

During my pregnancy with Mara, I found myself having to educate doctors about they way to deliver certain messages they believed I needed to hear to prepare to have a baby with Down syndrome. “You must know that 40% of babies with Down syndrome are born with a heart defect” was the first warning I was given about the apparently terrifying life that was awaiting for me. Right there and then, with my little baby still in my belly, I decided to change the conversation.
